Shah Rukh Khan detained in US airport

Published: 12 August 2016, 04:37 AM
Shah Rukh Khan detained in US airport

Bollywood star Shah Rukh Khan has taken to Twitter to express his disappointment at being ‘detained’ by US authorities at Los Angeles International Airport.

It is not clear why Khan was detained and how for how long.In 2012, Indians reacted angrily after Khan was detained for 90 minutes at the White Plains airport near New York.

And in 2009 Shah was detained for two hours at Newark airport and released after India’s embassy intervened.

Khan, who flew into Los Angeles on Friday, tweeted. But, the actor added, there was a brighter side to the ‘detention’.

Although there was no comment from immigration officials, the US State Department’s assistant secretary on south and central Asian affairs, Nisha Biswal, tweeted to Khan, saying she was ‘sorry for the hassle’, adding that US diplomats also face this situation.

In 2012, the actor arrived on a private plane and was on his way to Yale University for a function when he was stopped.