DU to celebrate 96th founding anniversary tomorrow

Published: 30 June 2017, 12:25 PM
DU to celebrate 96th founding anniversary tomorrow

Dhaka University (DU is set to celebrate its 96th founding anniversary on Saturday with the theme “Innovation and Higher Education”.

The university authorities have chalked out elaborate programmes to celebrate the day, popularly known as Dhaka University Day, with pomp and grandeur.

To mark the day, DU Vice-Chancellor (VC) Professor AAMS Arefin Siddique yesterday issued a message of greetings and urged all concerned to join the celebration.

In his message, he recalled the former student of the university and Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and the martyrs of Language Movement in 1952, Liberation War in 1971 and all democratic movements against autocracy with due respect.

DU is the oldest university of the country established in 1921. It was called the “Oxford of the East” during its early years. Today, it is the largest public university in the country having capacity of more than 37,018 students and 1992 faculties.

The day’s programme will begin with hoisting of the national flag and flags of university and halls at the university Mall Chattar, adjacent to the administrative building at 10am.

The vice-chancellor will inaugurate the daylong programme releasing pigeons and balloons. Prof Arefin Siddique will preside over the inaugural function.

Earlier, a colourful procession will bring out which will parade different thoroughfares on the campus ending at the Teacher-Students’ Centre (TSC).

Besides, the Central Library will stage a rare manuscript exhibition from 10am to 1pm while different faculties, departments and halls will organise separate programmes.

Source: BSS