Freshers’ orientation at Green University

Green University of Bangladesh (GUB) arranged Orientation Programme for freshers of Summer-2017 Semester on May 30, 2017 at the university Campus.
The programme included introduction session, presentation session and briefing session. The presentation session focused on academic systems and rules, advising and registration process, grading systems, result processing, necessary information about GUB, different clubs and co-curricular activities.
At the outset, Registrar Lt. Gen. Md. Mainul Islam (Retd.) highlighted the background of the University, progress of the construction work of GUB Permanent Campus, made the freshers aware of its rules and regulations and also focused on the university’s achievements by a nice PowerPoint Presentation.
Prof. Dr. Golam Samdani Fakir, Vice Chancellor of GUB presided over the program while Md. Shahid Ullah, Treasurer & Director of Student Affairs; Lt. Gen. Md. Mainul Islam (Retd), Registrar; Professor M.M. Khan, Distinguished Professor Green Business School, Professor Dr. Md. Fayzur Rahman, Dean, Faculty of Science and Engineering; Prof. SMK Nazmul Haque, Controller of Examinations, Mr. Md. Ashraful Anowar, Director of Account & Finance; Chairpersons of different departments, faculty members and newly admitted students were present.