Independence Day observed at GUB

Published: 26 March 2017, 10:19 AM
Independence Day observed at GUB

Green University of Bangladesh (GUB) observed the Independence Day of Bangladesh with the great enthusiasm.

The authority of the university and the students organized a gala event at the university campus on March 26, 2017. The programme included discussion and grand cultural shows.

Dr. Arup Ratan Choudhury, Ekushe Padak recipient, was the chief guest while Prof. Dr. Md. Golam Samdani Fakir, Vice-Chancellor of GUB, presided over the programme.

Prof. Dr. Muhammad Fayyaz Khan, Pro Vice-Chancellor; Lt. Gen. Mainul Islam (Retd.), Registrar of GUB, spoke as guests of honor.

The chief guest said, “We are yet to achieve the desired goals of our independence for which the common people of this country participated in the liberation war.”

He expected that the students of the country would play a vital role in this regard.

A cultural event on independence was staged before the audience. Faculty members of different departments, university students, club activists, media persons and GUB officials were present at the programme.