DUCSU polls must to flourish student leadership: President

Staff Reporter Published: 4 March 2017, 10:56 AM | Updated: 25 February 2019, 03:54 PM
DUCSU polls must to flourish student leadership: President

President Abdul Hamid today laid emphasis on holding the Dhaka University Central Students` Union (DUCSU) election for developing new leadership to strengthen the foundation of country`s democracy.

“DUCSU election is a must,” to flourish regular student leadership, he said while addressing the 50th convocation of Dhaka University (DU), the highest seat of learning of the country, at its central playground here this afternoon.

The President, also the chancellor of the university, said if capable and honest student leadership is not created, the future leadership would be at stake.

“There is no alternative to the political leadership to ensure sustainable development of the country,” he mentioned.

Referring to the outstanding and glorious contribution of country`s student politics with various successful histories including the Language Movement, Liberation War and other democratic movements, President Hamid said, “The students community must restore the past heritage and glory of country`s politics.”

At the outset of his speech, the President paid rich tribute to Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, freedom fighters who made their supreme sacrifices in 1971 Liberation War, Language Movement heroes and the martyrs of Dhaka University family who played a very significant and historic role in different democratic movements in different times.

Terming the Dhaka University as a centre of excellence and for building higher human resources, he said since its inception on July 1 in 1921, the university authority has been taking different pragmatic and realistic steps in line with the government`s commitment to establish a modern, science-based and time-befitting education system as well as ensure overall progress, development and upholding dignity of the country.

“Dhaka University, which had close link with student politics, will make efficient leadership to lead a wealthy and developed country in the days,” the President said adding, “I myself started doing politics in my student life.”

But he expressed grave concern over the present scenario of student politics as some non-students to some extent are leading as well as controlling the student politics while the interest of a particular quarter or person is being served with dominating the whole process ignoring the welfare-based ideology of politics.

“That`s why, the student politics is gradually losing its confidence, support and respect of common people and the general students as well,” the President said.

Recalling his career in student politics, President Hamid confidently said, “I was not a student of Dhaka University but due to the then political situation I several times visited and stayed on this campus as a student leader of a subdivision and I`m also proud with this university for its academic excellence.”

About the renaissance that flourished through the 1952 Language Movement and subsequently the 1971 Liberation War, Hamid said, “These two movements helped the country to be recognised as a secular, progressive and modern state globally. It has also enhanced the nation`s honour, dignity and acceptance holding its head high.”

Source: BSS