PM opines for public exams in Class-V, VIII

Published: 29 January 2017, 09:32 AM
PM opines for public exams in Class-V, VIII

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina today opined for continuation of public examinations in Class-V and class-VIII saying those are playing crucial role in confidence building of students for secondary school certificate examination (SSC).

"The main objective of introducing the new system in 2009 was to ensure equal opportunity to every student for learning, build up their confidence, remove fear in public examinations and give scholarship to students based on the results," she said.

"But, suddenly I am observing some criticism on the issue and as a section of people came up with the suggestion to stop the examinations. But, their claim doesn`t suit to the reality," the prime minister said.

She added: previously a few number of students would have been selected for extra care from schools to prepare them for examination only for scholarship in Class-V and Class-VIII, and in that case other students were neglected.

"Out of that thought, she said, we have decided to introduce the new examination system and give scholarships to the students based on their results," she said inaugurating the National Primary Education Week-2017 today.

The prime minister said in the previous system a student had to wait ten years for a certificate. But getting a certificate in between is matter of great pleasure for them and guardians also, the prime minister said.

Minister for Primary and Mass Education Mostafizur Rahman presided over the function organized by the ministry at Osmani Memorial Hall here.

Acting secretary of the ministry Mohammad Asif-uz-Zaman and Director General of Directorate of Primary Education Dr. M. Abu Hena Mostafa Kamal addressed the function, among others.

On the occasion, the prime minister distributed prizes among the winners of sports and cultural events of Inter-primary School Competition-2016.

She also distributed the National Primary Education Award-2016 among nineteen officials, PTI superintendent, instructor, education loving social worker and teachers for their outstanding contribution to development of primary education.

This year`s National Primary Education Week has begun with the slogan- "Shikkar Alo Jalbo, Digital Bangladesh Gorbo" (let us illuminate light of education, let us build digital Bangladesh).

Pointing out the steps taken by her government for development of
primary education the prime minister said there is no alternative to groom up the children with proper education as they are the country`s future. Standard primary education can build solid foundation of an educated nation, she said.

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina called upon the teachers to render their services sincerely to build up the foundation of the future generation from very tender age to create them as ideal citizens of the country as dreamt by the Father of the Nation.

"You have to give attention to the kids to pursue their education
attentively," she said adding the spirit of patriotism should be infused in students from early age in addition to letting them know the country`s real history to grow self-confidence and affection for the country and people."

"Teaching is a great profession. You have come to the profession by
choice. So you have to perform your duty very sincerely as the government has taken all measures for your salary hike and status," she said.

In this regard the prime minister urged the teachers to follow the
proper methods to increase students` attention to education instead of always tell them for learning, which is never acceptable to them.

Pointing out some recent incidents of juvenile crime in the city the
prime minister urged the teachers and guardians to be careful so that their kids are not getting involved in any criminal activities. If necessary the youths should be counseled to bring them to right path, she said.

Laying importance on building the students as worthy citizens of the country the prime minister said our boys and girls would not only engage them in education, but also in sports, cultural practices and competitions to flourish their mind and body.

The government has introduced the `students` council` in primary schools from 2015 to grow leadership quality in students, she said adding cub scouting has been expanded in all primary schools to prepare the students to play constructive role in the society.

The prime minister said government support in the form of various
stipends and mid-day meal helped ensuring hundred-percent enrollment of kids at primary school. School feeding project has been undertaken for the poverty-ridden areas to ensure nutrition of the students.

She urged the teachers, guardians and well-off people to make integrated efforts to arrange tiffin for students instead of waiting for foreign aid, asking the primary education ministry to take initiative in this regard.

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina hoped that multifaceted programmes of her government including free distribution of textbooks, mid-day meal, school uniform and stipend helped increasing the literacy rate to 71 percent at present, and very shortly it would be hundred percent.

Bangladesh would be completely free from illiteracy within very short
time due to her government`s constant stride and each and every child would happily go to school, she said.