None will be spared for errors in textbooks: minister

Published: 26 January 2017, 02:44 PM
None will be spared for errors in textbooks: minister

Primary and Mass Education Minister Mostafizur Rahman today said none of the persons responsible
for mistakes in the textbooks will be spared.

“The government has already taken action against some responsible persons for mistakes in the primary and secondary school textbooks,” he told the Jatiya Sangsad while replying to a supplementary question from Jatiya Party member Peer Fazlur Rahman.

In the meantime, the education ministry has formed a probe committee in this regard and responsible persons are being identified for committing intentional or unintentional mistakes in the textbooks, the minister said.

He said that the government would take necessary action against responsible persons after completion of the investigation.

The minister said the probe committee is also investigating the whole matters and responsible persons will not be spared.

Mostafizur informed the House that the National Curriculum and Textbook Board (NCTB) publishes nearly 11 to 11.5 crore books for primary schools. The ministry pays around Taka 11 crore as fee for publishing the textbooks.

The minister said the NCTB is responsible for preparing curriculum and proof reading of the textbooks. The NCTB is also publishes textbooks for the education ministry, he added.

Source : BSS