No negative comments from foreign buyers: Tofail

Published: 27 July 2016, 02:44 PM
No negative comments from foreign buyers: Tofail

The minister for commerce Tofail Ahmed on Wednesday claimed that no negative message has come from foreign buyers of Bangladesh products after the recent terror attacks.

‘It’s not true that foreign businessmen have shied away from the country following the recent terror attacks.
Instead, they’ve expressed their interest to import goods from the country,’ he said.

The minister was talking to reporters after the fifth session of the ongoing Deputy Commissioners’ Conference at the Secretariat.

Tofail also claimed that the successful Kalyanpur operation against the militants has boosted people’s confidence in the government.

He said the DCs were directed to take necessary steps to stop providing permission to multi-level marketing companies at the district level as per the commerce ministry’s decision not to allow MLM companies anew.

Replying to a question, the commerce minister said, ‘The MLM business is not illegal as per the law. But we’re not giving permission to any new MLM company. The MLM companies which are running their activities legally will not be closed.’