Govt to import food from 5 countries

Senior Staff Reporter Published: 4 September 2022, 06:35 PM | Updated: 4 September 2022, 07:37 PM
Govt to import food from 5 countries

The government has decided to import food grains from Russia, India, Myanmar, Thailand, and Vietnam in a bid to tackle the global food crisis that may be from next November.  

An agreement has already been reached in this regard, Cabinet Secretary Khandaker Anwarul Islam said in a press briefing after the Cabinet meeting on Sunday.

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina presided over the meeting.

"We have checked that importing food from Russia will not cause any difficulties. White rice (Atap) comes from Myanmar. Agreements have also been made to buy rice from Thailand, Vietnam, and India," he said.

Mentioning that the Food Ministry will brief regarding this within one or two days, he said, "They (Food Ministry) informed us that around 19,50,000 metric tonnes of food is in stock."

The government decided to continue OMS (Open Market Sales) and Food Friendly Program for the next three to four months, in that case, around 5 to 6 lakh tonnes of food grains will be needed, he added.

Khandaker Anwarul said the Food Ministry confirmed in today's meeting that it has already inked a deal to replace it (the aforesaid food necessity), and work orders have been given.

"So, we are thinking that there could be a worldwide food crisis from next November, by the grace of Allah, we have got a comfortable scenario. We received work orders and assurance of getting food," he said.

"Importing of rice and wheat from Russia, Myanmar, Thailand, and Vietnam has been confirmed," he added.