PRAN's food assistance program ‘Ahar Hobe Shobar Ghore’

Jago News Desk Published: 26 August 2021, 03:55 PM
PRAN's food assistance program ‘Ahar Hobe Shobar Ghore’

The needy people will be able to get emergency food assistance at home by dialing the number 02222281792. Under the ‘Pashe Asi Bangladesh’ initiative, the country’s leading conglomerate PRAN-RFL group has taken the campaign titled ‘Ahar Hobe Shobar Ghore’.

Eleash Mridha, managing director at PRAN Group, briefed the campaign through a press conference held at the head office of the group at the capital’s Badda on Thursday, a press release said.  

‘Pashe Asi Bangladesh’ is the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiative of PRAN-RFL group for helping the poor people who are affected for various calamities and crisis. Under the initiative, the group started distributing emergency food and protective items to the poor people and hospitals when the coronavirus started spreading in the country in March last year. 

Addressing the program, Eleash Mridha said, “We have taken the program for the people who are facing hardship by losing job during the corona pandemic. We see, many people around us were self-sufficient but they are now helpless due to corona. They need food assistance but can’t seek help publicly. We urge them not to hesitate to dial our number to get the food aid. We will provide it confidentially. Therefore, we will also distribute food among the poor people directly in different districts under the program.” 

Uzma Chowdhury, Director (Corporate Finance) at PRAN-RFL Group, said, “We already distributed food support more than one lakh families so far under the CSR program ‘Pashe Asi Bangladesh’ who have become workless due to pandemic. This time, our aim is to stand beside lower and middle-income people who need food support.”   

Nurul Afser, Head of Corporate Brand at PRAN-RFL Group said, “The food item include PRAN’s rice, dal, oil, salt, muri, toast and noodles. Needy people will be able to get the support through e-mail [email protected] beside dial the provided phone number. Therefore, if anyone seeks help through our social media pages including facebook, we will provide it at home within 24 hours.”  

Touhiduzzaman, Assistant General Manager (Public Relations) and Zeaul Haque, Acting editor at, media partner of the initiative were also present at the program.