TCB starts open market sales in Khulna

Published: 29 May 2016, 09:16 AM
TCB starts open market sales in Khulna

State-owned Trading Corporation of Bangladesh (TCB) started selling of five essential commodities including sugar, edible oil, lentil and gram at the 29 open points in the city and district on Sunday.

A total of 5 trucks have been deployed for the 11points in the city and 2 trucks for the 18 points in the nine upazila of the district this morning to sell these essential items. It will continue until Eid-ul -fitr, a TCB official told BSS.

Sources said,the sugar is being sold at Tk 48 per kg, lentil at Tk 90 per kg, gram at Tk 70 per kg, a liter of open soybean oil at Tk 63 and a litter of bottle soybean oil at Tk 80 per kg.

In last year this time, sugar was sold at Tk 43 per kg, a liter of open soybean oil at Tk 98 and a liter of bottle soybean oil at Tk 120 per kg, lentil at Tk 103 per kg and gram at Tk 65 per kg, sources said.

TCB, the state agency appointed 542 dealers in the 14 Sothern districts. The districts are Khulna, Faridpur, Rajbari, Gopalganj, Pirojpur, Satkhira,Bagerhat, Narail, Jessore,Magura, Meherpur, Jhenidah, Kushtia and Chuadanga, reports BSS.

Talking to the news agency BSS, Regional Director of TCB Khulna Zone Robiul Morshed said that the government has taken a number of steps to making sure the prices of essentials commodities remain stable during the holy Ramadan.