RFL gets National Export gold trophy

The government on Sunday awarded National Export Gold Trophy to Banga Plastic International Limited, a sister concern of RFL, for the financial year 2015-2016. Durable Plastics Limited, another concern of RFL Group, has also been awarded with bronze trophy.
The group has been awarded with export trophy for the last four consecutive years for its remarkable contribution to the country’s export sector.
RN Paul, Managing Director of RFL Group and Kazi Abdul Quiyum, Chief Operating Officer at Banga Plastic International Limited, have received the trophies from Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina through a program held at Hotel Sonargaon in Dhaka.
Kamruzzaman Kamal, Marketing Director at PRAN-RFL Group, said “RFL always focuses consumers demand in manufacturing products. For the reason RFL has become country’s top brand in plastic products. RFL products are also available in different countries across the world. We are proud for being awarded with export trophy. It was made possible for our consumers across the world.”
Mentioning that RFL products are being exported to 64 countries, he said that RFL is working relentlessly to expand its export market.