PRAN trains farmers on Aflatoxin

Published: 26 April 2016, 10:20 AM
PRAN trains farmers on Aflatoxin

PRAN recently organized a training session for farmers to develop high-yield, disease-resistant peanut varieties and on mycotoxin management in Natore.

The main objectives of the training were to prevent and reduce Aflatoxin in groundnut.

Aflatoxin contamination in peanut by Aspergillus flavus and Aspergillus parasiticus are the major pre and post-harvest problem causing massive kernel-quality loss.

PRAN Agro Business Ltd, a sister concern of the agribusiness company arranged a day-long training to create awareness among farmers on Aflatoxin and to develop tolerant varieties of the crop.

Around 60 farmers received training held at factory premise of PRAN Agro Limited.

PRAN has been providing trainings to farmers in all aspects of agricultural production. It helps farmers to increase field productivity, said Mahatab Uddin, Chief Operating Officer at PRAN Agro Business Ltd.

Bangladesh Agriculture Research Institute (BARI) has provided technical assistance to the training.

Dr Alhaj Uddin, Deputy Director at Department of Agriculture Extension in Natore, Dr Monjurul Kadir and Dr Mobarok Ali, Principal Scientific Officers at BARI took part at the program.

At this season, PRAN will collect 4,000 tones of peanuts from its contract farmers.