Share prices dip further to open week

Published: 17 April 2016, 11:55 AM
Share prices dip further to open week

Share prices dipped further on Sunday as the week began amid dull trade that drove all the market indicators down towards red zone.

The broader DSEX index of Dhaka Stock Exchange (DSE) lost 15.29 points at Sunday`s close to come down to 4393.34, with the two other selective indices following it.

The blue-chip DS30 ended 10.12 points down at 1673.22 and the Shariah DSES finished marginally lower at 1064.31.

Similarly, the broader CECX index of Chittagong Stock Exchange (CSE) suffered nearly 22 points to finish the session at 8224.61.

The daily trade value and volume at DSE came down to Taka 316.32 crore and 8.33 crore shares from Thursday`s Taka 390 crore for 9.13 crore shares.

The CSE also saw low level of transaction, with 65 lakh shares changing hands for Taka 18.85 crore, BSS reports.

Most of the major sectors including bank, insurance, food and non-banking financial institutions lost due to lower demands.

Among the major lagging shares were from the large-cap group when 150 securities of this group closed lower.

The mutual funds also incurred loss, with 14 funds ending in red. Debutant issues apparently lost vibe as only a issue was in the gaining side among traded six ones.

ICB1st NBR, Trust Bank, RD Food, Sonarbangla Insurance and Shyampur Sugar were at the top five among the day`s 179 losing companies.

A total of 45 securities, however, finished moderately higher despite the losing wave across the board. The major gaining scrips were IFIC1stMF, ILFSL, Ambee Pharma, Monno Staffler and Bangas.

Power and energy securities were on high demand, making Jamuna Oil the turnover leader when Doreen Power and Power Grid secured the 4th and 5th positions.

The two other securities among the top five turnover leaders included Aman Feed and IBN Sina.