Transaction rises on falling stock prices

Published: 25 January 2016, 11:02 AM
Transaction rises on falling stock prices

Transaction at Dhaka Stock Exchange (DSE) rose on Monday when most of the traded issues closed lower, prompting investors buy for short-term gains.

The price indices also finished flat on the market where transaction was high, but share prices were low.

The broader DSEX finished the session only 5.8 points down at 4620.32, with the blue-chip DS30 ending marginally lower at 1750.07. The Shariah DSES, however, closed the session flat in green.

The daily trade value rose to Taka 515.22 crore from Sunday`s Taka 427.77 crore and the volume increased to 16 crore from 15 crore shares of the previous session.

The market was for buyers, with 140 issues declining against 135 gainers. Majority of the losing scrips were from large-cap category. Debutant issues were also on the losing side when mutual funds and junk category shares performed relatively well.

The top five lagging securities were United Insurance, Delta Spinning, Saiham Cotton, ITC and Dacca Dyeing.

The major gainers were Intech, Eastern Tube, Quasem Drycell, DBH and Libra Infusion.

Chittagong Stock Exchange (CSE) closed Monday flat in red when the CSCX index finished only 7.96 points lower at 8645.53.

The daily trade value at CSE rose to Taka 33.98 crore from Sunday`s 30.80 crore, but the trade volume fell marginally to 1.26 crore shares from 1.27 crore shares of the past session.

Like DSE, CSE was also in favour of buyers as 125 issues incurred loss against 103 advancing securities.