Sonali Bank signed with SSL Wireless

Published: 29 December 2015, 03:52 AM
Sonali Bank signed with SSL Wireless

A total of 502 branches covered by Core Banking will give SMS banking service. On the occasion, a meeting was arranged at Sonali Bank head office’s conference room.

Top official of Sonali Bank and SSL was present in the meeting.

Bank’s ICT divisions Deputy Managing Director Md. Nurul Haque delivered welcome speech.

Sonali Bank’s Deputy Managing Director Didar Md. Abdur Rob addressed on SMS Banking benefits and Sonali Banks Automation SMS Banking Significance.

In the ceremony SSL’s Managing Director Saiful Islam and General Manager Ashish Chakraborty gave speech on behalf of the company SSL.

The ceremony was hosted by Banks IT division-1’s Deputy Managing Director Md. Shamimul Haque.