Tariff being fixed safeguarding local industries: Tofail

Published: 23 December 2015, 01:59 PM
Tariff being fixed safeguarding local industries: Tofail

Commerce Minister Tofail Ahmed on Wednesday said the government is fixing tariff protecting the interest of local industries.

"The present government is working for the wellbeing of business. So, the government will not take any decision which could impede the growth of local industries," he said while addressing a workshop here as the chief guest.

Bangladesh Tariff Commission organized the daylong workshop "Anti-dumping, Countervailing and Safeguard Measures" in city`s CIRDAP Auditorium.

The commerce minister said WTO member countries take anti-dumping, countervailing and safeguard measures whenever it is required for protecting local industries.

Urging the businessmen to attain a clear perception about the measures, Tofail opined local industry is needed to have preparation to face the imported foreign subsidiary products.

Senior Commerce Secretary Hedayetullah Al Mamun and FBCCI President Abdul Matlub Ahmad also spoke on the occasion with Tariff Commission Chairman A T M Mortuza Reza Chowdhury in the chair.