National VAT Week begins tomorrow

Published: 8 December 2016, 03:21 PM
National VAT Week begins tomorrow

National VAT Week will begin tomorrow (Friday) with a slogan "VAT Dichchhe Janogan, Desher Hochchhe Unnayan".

In observance of the week, National Board of Revenue (NBR) will bring out a colourful rally in the city tomorrow morning from NBR`s Segunbagicha officer premises, NBR chairman Md Nojibur Rahman told journalists at a press conference on Thursday.

He said as part of the programme, NBR will also observe VAT (Value added Tax) Day on December 10. It will also honour the best VAT payers at a programme to be held on December 11 at NBR`s Abargaon Bhaban, he added.

Nojibur Rahman said NBR has also taken programmes such as publication of supplementary in national dailies and holding talk-shows in TVs to create awareness among the people about VAT.

City`s important buildings will be decorated with posters, stickers, billboards and festoons. Besides, SMS will also be sent to the people highlighting the importance of the payment of VAT, he added.

Source : BSS