Petter-B. Furberg appointed CEO of Grameenphone

Published: 19 October 2016, 06:43 AM
Petter-B. Furberg appointed CEO of Grameenphone

Petter-B. Furberg was appointed the interim CEO of Grameenphone by the Grameenphone Board of Directors.

Furberg is the Senior Vice President Telenor Digital Businesses, based in Bangkok. Prior to his current role, Furberg served as CEO of Telenor Myanmar for three years.

Since joining Telenor in 1998, he has held a number of executive positions, including Chief Financial Officer and Chief Marketing Officer of dtac, Thailand, and Head of Financial Services at Telenor Group.

Furberg holds a degree in economics and business administration based on a four year programme (Siviløkonom) from the Norwegian School of Economics and is a Certified European Financial Analyst (AFA/CEFA).