
Do you want it pasteurized?

One woman had always wanted to take a bath in a tub filled with warm milk. So she called the dairyman out to measure the tub and find out how much milk she would need and how much it would cost. He began measuring and asked her, ‘Do you want it pasteurized?’ And she said, ‘No, just up to my bosom would be fine.’###Two gangsters walk into a grocery store and while they are walking through the Vegetable aisle one gangster says to the other, ‘Hey....... look at that.....Artie‐chokes, 2 for a Dollar!###As a teacher I was trying to get my students to understand what a ‘pun’ was.  I gave them 10 examples but was not successful.  They could not understand any of them.  You might say that no pun in ten did!