
114 seconds, nine golds!

The Jamaican sprinter Usain Bolt has cemented his place as a legend of athletics at the Rio Olympics, earning his ninth gold medal in as many attempts.

He’s so fast that he could have finished 100m in the time it’s taken you to read up to here.

As he bids goodbye to the Games, let’s slice and dice his stats, shall we?

How long has he run for?

As a sprinter, Bolt spends very little time actually running. In Olympics finals, he has been running for only 114 seconds. That’s not even a full two minutes.

When you include the preliminary rounds, Bolt has spent only 325 seconds - a little under five and a half minutes - on the Olympics track, according to Associated Press.

That means he has picked up a gold medal for every 36 seconds spent on the track, including the qualifying rounds.