
Yes I did, sir

An inebriate enters a restaurant and asks the cashier, ‘Did you see me come in the door, there?’‘Yes I did, sir.’‘Have you ever seen me before?’ ‘No, I haven’t.’‘Then, how did you know it was me?’###A man came home from golfing one Saturday a little later than he usually did. His wife asked him why.‘Bob had a heart attack and died right there on the 9th hole!’ he explained. ‘Oh, my goodness, how horrible!’ she exclaimed. ‘No wonder you’re late!’‘Yeah,’ he said. ‘For the whole rest of the course, it was ‘hit the ball, drag Bob and hit the ball ...’###‘Doctor!’ said the patient. ‘I keep seeing spots before my eyes.’ The physician scratched his head, ‘Why have you come to me? Have you seen an ophthalmologist?’ ‘No,’ replied the patient, ‘just spots.’