Ananta Kumar Karmakar from Domar, Nilphamari won car by purchasing refrigerator in the flagship campaign 'Dream Home' offer of Vision Emporium, country’s leading electronics retail chain Shop. The key of the car was handed over to the winner in a ceremony held at Domar multilateral High School ground recently. Earlier, Mashiyat Ara Maria of Lalmonirhat won flat while Galib Mahmud from Ambarkhana, Sylhet won car by participating in this campaign.
After receiving the key of the car, Ananta Kumar Karmakar, said, "I got a call from someone saying that I have won a car in Vision Emporium's 'Dream Home' offer. At first, I thought someone was scamming me and asking for money. But after going to Vision Emporium, I became sure that I had indeed won the car.”
KM Shamsuzzaman, Head of Business of Vision Emporium and Russell Ahmed, Head of Sales were present on the occasion.
Customers can participate in this campaign by buying products worth Tk 5,000 from Vision Emporium. A total of 750 prizes will be given to winners including flats, cars, fridges, ACs through this campaign. The campaign started on September 15, 2024 and will run until January 31, 2025. Winners will be announced and prizes will be given every week.