
Shah Rukh Khan accepts US envoys’ apologies

Hours after Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan tweeted about getting detained at US airports ‘every damn time,’ he has reacted to apology of Richard R Verma, US Ambassador to New Delhi, and Nisha Biswal, Assistant Secretary of State for South and Central Asia, US Department of State.The actor was stopped for the third time at the Los Angeles International Airport on Thursday.The US Ambassador to New Delhi Richard R Verma tweeted an apology to the star Friday, saying the US government was working to ensure it doesn’t happen again.’ Biswal had earlier tweeted, ‘Sorry for the hassle at the airport, @iamsrk – even American diplomats get pulled for extra screening!’Replying to Verma, Shah Rukh Khan tweeted, ‘No trouble sir, respect the protocol & not expecting 2 b above it. It’s just a tad inconvenient. Thx for ur concern.’ His reply to Biswal was in the same vein.This is the third time the star has been detained at a US airport. In 2012 he was stopped at an airport in White Plains, NY and in 2009 he was detained for two hours at Newark airport.It’s not clear why Shah Rukh was detained or for how long.Tweeting about it, SRK had written, ‘I fully understand & respect security with the way the world is, but to be detained at US immigration every damn time really really sucks,’ Khan tweeted.Khan, 50, in another tweet said, ‘The brighter side is while waiting caught some really nice Pokemons.’ (Shah Rukh Khan detained at US airport again, tweets ‘every damn time’)Khan was detained at New York airport for over two hours by immigration officials in 2012.The US customs and border protection authorities had expressed ‘profound’ apologies for the Shah Rukh Khan’s detention then. (Enough is enough, Shah Rukh Khan should stop flying to the US).In 2009 also, Khan was also detained by US immigration officials at Newark Liberty International Airport in New Jersey because his name came up on a computer alert list.