
Parasites growing after Aug 5, they must be resisted: Shafiqur

Jamaat-e-Islami Amir Dr Shafiqur Rahman warned against certain opportunistic elements he described as “parasites” attempting to exploit recent political changes, saying, “Parasites are trying to grow after the August 5 changeover, and they must be resisted.”

Speaking at Jamaat-e-Islami’s Rukn Conference for Bogura city and district units on October 26, Dr Shafiqur stressed the importance of national unity. “The people don’t want a divided nation,” he said. “We want to build a beautiful Bangladesh based on unity, where everyone, despite differences, works together for the country.”

He praised the youth for leading what he called a “liberation movement from fascism” and honored those who sacrificed their lives as national heroes. 

“This movement isn’t led by one mastermind; it belongs to the people,” he added, according to a press release.

Dr Shafiqur criticised the actions of Sheikh Hasina’s government against Jamaat, alleging that top leaders were unjustly executed, offices shut down, and party symbols and registration forcibly removed. Comparing Jamaat’s situation to the early challenges faced by Islam, he remarked, “As Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) opened doors to Islam after his migration, so too have we found new opportunities post-August 5.”

He called on Jamaat members to use this moment to spread the message of Islam, support families impacted by political struggles, and inspire hope, saying the nation is looking for a just society. 

Dr. Shafiqur also administered an oath to the newly elected Bogura city unit Ameer Abidur Rahman Sohail and district unit Ameer Maulana Abdul Haque Sarkar, urging everyone to help build a society rooted in Islamic values and responsibility.

Held at the Altafunnesa playground amid heavy rain, the conference was attended by 4,047 members from the city and district. Jamaat Assistant Secretary General Maulana Rafiqul Islam Khan and Central Executive Council Member Principal Shahabuddin were also present.