
Workers block Dhaka-Ctg highway in Munshiganj

The workers blocked the Dhaka-Chattogram Highway in Munshiganj’s Gazaria on Wednesday, demanding their arrears and raising wages.

The labourers, who work at JMI Industrial Park in Bhitikandi area in the upazila, blocked the highway, causing a long tailback.

They said they are struggling to lead life due to the high prices of commodities but the factory authorities do not increase their wages. “They (authorities) must hike wages and pay arrears soon.”

Police are, however, repeatedly requesting them to leave the highway and allow vehicular movement but they are defying, saying they will continue their agitation until their demands are met.

Gazaria police station’s officer-in-charge Mahbubur Rahman said they are trying to drive out the workers from the highway.

Arafat Rayhan Sakib/MSU/NMA