
AL-defined nat’l days, including Mar 7, Aug 15 to be cancelled

The interim government is set to discontinue the observance of eight national days instituted by the Awami League regime, including March 7 and August 15, according to the Cabinet Division.

Among the days being cancelled, five are centred around the family of ousted Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina.

This decision was taken during a meeting of the advisory council, and the relevant branch of the Cabinet Division has been instructed to implement it. A formal notification from the Cabinet Division will soon be issued to make this official.

The cancelled days include the historic March 7, the March 17 birth anniversary of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and National Children's Day, the August 5 birth anniversary of Sheikh Hasina's brother, Shaheed Captain Sheikh Kamal, the August 8 birth anniversary of her mother, Bangamata Begum Fazilatun Nesa Mujib, and the August 15 National Mourning Day marking Bangabandhu’s assassination.

Additionally, Sheikh Russell Day on October 18, National Constitution Day on November 4, and Smart Bangladesh Day on December 12 will also be scrapped from the list of national and international days to be observed.