
Netanyahu inducts ex-rival Saar into cabinet

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has appointed former rival Gideon Saar as a minister without portfolio, expanding his coalition and fortifying his hold on power.

As part of the agreement, Saar will also join the Security Cabinet, which oversees Israel's ongoing military operations across the Middle East.

Saar, 57, had aimed to replace Defense Minister Yoav Gallant but failed to secure the role as fighting with Hezbollah along Israel's northern border escalated, keeping the popular Gallant in office, reports The Times of Israel.

Despite a strained past—Saar left Netanyahu's Likud party four years ago, accusing the prime minister of turning it into a "cult of personality" amid corruption charges—the two have reconciled to pursue shared hard-line positions on Israel’s Arab adversaries.

Saar has consistently advocated for the complete destruction of Hamas and tougher action against Hezbollah's sponsor, Iran. He also aligns with Netanyahu in opposing the creation of a Palestinian state. Their joint statement emphasized putting aside personal differences for national unity.

Netanyahu's decision is seen as politically strategic. With looming challenges like the contentious ultra-Orthodox draft law, passing a budget, and his ongoing corruption trial, Saar’s presence is expected to help Netanyahu navigate these issues.

Saar’s appointment may also temper the influence of ultranationalist coalition members, including Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich and National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir, who have threatened to collapse the government over cease-fire concessions.

By bringing Saar into the fold, Netanyahu has expanded his majority in the Knesset to 68 seats, while giving Saar a platform to potentially revive his political career.