
Protest against quota: RU students block Dhaka-Rajshahi highway

The students of Rajshahi University (RU) on Thursday blocked Dhaka-Rajshahi highway protesting the reinstatement of the quota system in government jobs.

They brought out a protest procession from the Paris Road of the campus at 10am and later blocked the highway. The students from different halls took part in the programme.  

The students chanted different slogans against the quota system and demanded the reinstatement of the government circular, published in 2018, abolishing the quota system in government jobs.

Minhazul, an agitating student from Islamic History department, said we do not want the quota system in our country. This system can not evaluate the actual meritorious students. Our movement will continue until our demands are met.

Earlier on June 5, the High Court declared illegal a government circular issued in 2018 that abolished the 30 percent quota system in recruiting first class and second class officers in government services.

The government, through that circular, said direct recruitment in all government jobs in 9th grade and from 10th to 13th grade will be completely based on merit, abolishing existing quota system.