
Actress Shimana passes away

Lux Channel i Superstar famed actress Rishta Laboni Shimana has passed away.

She breathed her last at 6am on Tuesday while undergoing treatment at Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University (BSMMU) Hospital.

Her elder brother Ezaz Bin Ali confirmed the death to Jago News.

She left behind her husband, two sons and many well-wishers to mourn her death. 

According to her family sources, she fell on sick on May 21 and was admitted to a private hospital in Dhaka where she was diagnosed with brain haemorrhage. On the next day, she was shifted to another hospital in Dhanmondi for better treatment. From there, she was admitted to National Institute of Neuro Sciences Hospital in Agargaon and underwent a brain surgery on May 25. From there, she was taken to BSMMU Hospital where she died today while undergoing treatment.   

Shimana began her career in the entertainment industry in 2006, gaining recognition through the Lux-Channel i Superstar competition.