
5 Eid jamaats held at Baitul Mukarram

A total of five Eid-ul-Fitr jamaats were held at the Baitul Mukarram National Mosque in the capital on Thursday morning.

The first congregation was held at 7am led by Senior Pesh Imam of the mosque Hafez Mufti Mawlana Mizanur Rahman.

The second congregation was held at 8am led by Pesh Imam of the mosque Hafez Mawlana Muhiuddin Kashem.

The third congregation was held at 9am. Azimpur Graveyard Mayor Hanif Jame Mosque’s Pesh Imam Hafez Mawlana Imran Bin Nur Uddin.

The fourth congregation was organized at 10am led by Islamic Foundation’s Mufassir Mawlana Dr Abu Saleh Patwary.

The fifth congregation was held at 10:45am led by Jamia Arabia Ashrafia Madrasha’s Muhtamim Mawlana Syed Wadiuzzaman.