
Parenting tips: Myth Vs truth about discipline

As parents, we always want to ensure that we provide our children with the best of everything. However, teaching them skills that they will need to navigate through life and discipline that will guide their value system and beliefs is also equally important. "The more we seek to understand our child's behavior the more effective we become. This is not about being a permissive parent who lets their child walk all over them (and others). This is about approaching behavior with curiosity (vs. rushing to negative assumptions)," wrote Psychologist Jazmine McCoy. The expert further noted down a few myths that parents often believe about disciplining their children.

Myth: Behaviour must be corrected instantly

Truth: Parents often believe that they should rush to correct the behaviour of their children everytime they see something. But often their behaviours may stem from some past experience. Unless it is unsafe or dangerous behavioural pattern, we should give ourselves some time to observe and assess them and try to understand why they are behaving in a certain way. Giving time allows ourselves to have better understanding of them and try to address them in an effective way.

Myth: Behaviour that needs to be stopped instantly.

Truth: Be it swearing, yelling or throwing tantrums, we often believe that certain behavioural patterns need to be stopped instantly. This process can backfire. It is important to understand why they are behaving in a certain way and then redirect their emotions to something healthy that can help them to address their feelings better.

Myth: Misbehaviour is a form of manipulation.

Truth: When the child tries to misbehave, we may feel embarrassed or confused and think that they are trying to manipulate us to get things done their way. What we often fail to see is that misbehaviour is a means of communication, and they may try to communicate certain emotions to us through their behaviour. 

Source: Hindustan Times