
Trump insists campaign is united

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has insisted that his campaign is united despite reports of deep divisions in the party after he made series of missteps.

Speaking at a rally in Florida, Mr Trump said the campaign was ‘doing really well’.

US media outlets said it was in turmoil after Mr Trump repeatedly attacked parents of a fallen US soldier.

Staffers told CNN that they ‘feel like they are wasting their time’.

‘I just want to tell you the campaign is doing really well,’ the nominee said in Daytona Beach.

‘It’s never been so well united... I would say right now it’s the best in terms of being united that it’s been since we began.’

Earlier Mr Trump’s campaign chairman Paul Manafort blamed reports of disunity on Mr Trump’s opponent, Democrat Hillary Clinton.

‘This is another Clinton narrative that she put out there and the media is picking up on,’ he said. ‘Mr Trump has appeared this week at crowds that are overflowing into the street.’