
Chorka Textile gets Accord recognition

Chorka Textile Limited has achieved the Accord recognition as it completed Corrective Action Plans (CAPs) outlined by the retailers platform.

The Ready Made Garment (RMG) factory received the recognition on 28 July in 2016 after successfully meeting all remediation requirements prescribed by the Accord on Fire and Building Safety in Bangladesh.

‘Chorka Textile Limited has successfully completed all remediation measures required from the Accord initial inspections for fire, electrical, and structural safety conducted in May 2014,’ said Brad Loewen, chief safety inspector at Stichting Bangladesh Accord Foundation.

The Accord initial inspections covered minimum life safety issues in the areas of fire, electrical, and structural safety based on an inspection standard developed with the Government of Bangladesh and national and international safety engineers, the recognition letter read.

The fully export-oriented Ready Made Garment started its journey in 2013 in Narsingdi.