
Trump Calls Hillary Clinton ‘the Devil’

Donald Trump has taken his assault on Hillary Clinton the furthest he has ever before; calling his Democratic rival ‘the devil.’ Trump said that Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders should have stayed in the race and not thrown his support behind Clinton, reports ABC News.‘He would’ve been a hero,’ Trump said. ‘But he made a deal with the devil. She’s the devil. He made a deal with the devil.’Trump has linked Clinton to the devil before, saying in the past that Sanders ‘sold his soul to the Devil’ but this is the first time he has been so explicit in this attack. Such language adds to the barrage of other insults he levels at her regularly the most popular with his supporters being the moniker, ‘Crooked Hillary.’He did admit, however, to looking forward to meeting Clinton later this fall on the debate stage. ‘I look so forward to the debate with Hillary, I look so forward.’ Meanwhile, Trump adviser Ed Brookover has been fired by the campaign, sources said. Brookover, Ben Carson’s former campaign manager, most recently served as a liaison between the campaign and the RNC. It was not immediately clear why he was fired. Brookover could not immediately be reached for comment.