
BNP calls dawn-to-dusk hartal on Sunday

BNP has announced a dawn-to-dusk hartal across the country on Sunday.

BNP Secretary General Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir made the announcement in a rally at Nayapaltan in Dhaka on Saturday.

The announcement came after clashes between BNP men and police during the rally.

The nationwide hartal was also announced on the Facebook page of BNP's media cell.

It was learned that BNP called the countrywide hartal protesting the attack on its peaceful rally at Nayapaltan by police and Awami League.

BNP, however, arranged a grand rally in front of its Nayapaltan central office today as part of its one-point movement to oust the government.

Later, the party suspended the rally after the clashes.