
Want a healthy lifestyle from childhood

It is important to establish a healthy lifestyle from childhood. This will prevent future health problems like diabetes, heart disease, asthma and high blood pressure. So it is important to develop healthy habits from the beginning of life. Children learn from family and later imitate their parents.

So it is important to develop healthy habits from the beginning of life. Many mothers have complaints about children's eating, they don't want to eat. The way children are fed is not right. Children are allowed to eat at certain times, often forced to eat. Force fed, does not want to eat, cries. It causes reluctance of children to eat. Gradually they lost interest in food. Earlier parents did not force like this. Because they knew that it is not right to insist on food. If they are hungry, they will eat immediately, this is the rule. Many people have the habit of watching TV and eating which is not right.

Children should start the day with a healthy breakfast. It gives the body adequate nutrition and provides energy for the day. The child should get used to eating at the table, eat at the table with everyone, let them eat with their own hands. Even if it takes time, if you practice this patiently, you will not have to worry about food anymore.

Many children do not want to drink water. Without water, the body cannot function normally. Therefore, drinking water should be practiced from childhood. A lot of vegetables should be eaten which will protect the child from constipation. Eating only meat without vegetables can cause many stomach problems.

Many times a child may become sick due to lack of proper care. A healthy baby means a happy and joyful life. Less exertion, lowers the immune system of the child's body. So if they don't want to go outside to play, they should be encouraged. Various studies have shown that children should be allowed to play for at least an hour every day. It is not on computer, football, cricket, running should be done in open field. It is very beneficial in the body formation of the child. It will be around the house.  If there is no field close to home, try to fit in at least some time for cycling, swimming or training for a sport.

Lack of sleep hinders the supply of oxygen to his brain. As a result, the child gets tired easily. Insomnia can often be a victim at a young age. Put the child to sleep by turning off the lights at specific times. Sleep is very important for children. As the body wears down throughout the day, it is repaired during sleep. Children should have more sleep time. Like 8 to 10 hours a day. Lack of sleep is very harmful for children. Many children stay up till 1am/2am with their parents. Which is very unhealthy. Sleeping at night helps the body release growth hormones, which help in growth. Untimely sleep disrupts it. So the child should get used to sleeping early. It should not be just said, you have to create a suitable environment for it, you have to go to bed early with the child. Do not play music on mobile phone, laptop, tab before going to bed, it causes sleep problems.

Giving antibiotics for minor illness will harm the child, it affects the child's immune system. Antibody resistance is produced in the body.  Even if you are tired, come from outside and wash your hands and face, brush your teeth twice a day, wash your hands and sit down to eat, take a bath properly - if you get used to these rules, germs will not easily take root in the body.

If you are used to eating outside, you should keep a high protein and low carb diet from now on, keeping in mind the child's development. Foods that increase immunity, keep the body healthy should be given. Children should be kept away from fast food. Fast food can cause quite a lot of harm to the body. A major global problem currently being addressed is to keep children away from fast food.  Fast food is very bad for the body. Obesity is a major problem worldwide. Obese children suffer from other diseases including diabetes. So it is better not to eat fast food.

It is very important to establish a friendly relationship with children. It should be easy for the child so that  they can say everything. In this, their mind will be good, and the effect of stress hormones will be reduced and the body and mind will be fresh and refreshed.

Children should visit doctor regularly for good health, healthy lifestyle. Adequate sleep is important for the health of children. There will be daily exercise, reducing screen time, healthy eating habits, frequent hand washing to reduce the spread of germs, use of masks at school, reducing the child's mental stress. Eat minimal sugar, drink plenty of water. Check drinks, occasional dessert, balanced diet and fruits and vegetables, these habits should start at a young age. So that they can manage it as they grow up. TV, computer and video game time should be limited to less than two hours per day. Physical activity should be encouraged. Try to do physical activity between thirty to sixty minutes every day with the child.

The writer is a developmental paediatrician, and consultant at Neurodevelopmental Disorders and Child Development and Pediatric Department, Better Life Hospital. She is a former Autism specialist at Dhaka Community Medical College & Hospital.