
Parenting tips: Ways to limit aggressive behavior in children

Often as parents we forget that children also have their own boundaries. Knowing how to respect their boundaries and teach them to respect the boundaries of others is a good parenting skill. Often children throwing tantrums and becoming aggressive is a way of them telling us not to violate their boundaries. "When kids get aggressive with us, they are trying to let us know that we are violating their boundaries. Deep down they perceive a threat and they're trying to re-establish safety. Of course, we never allow kids to harm our bodies, but this simple truth sheds light on what our kids need ongoing help with - learning how to assert their boundaries with their words, not behaviors. And this truth gives us more direction and feedback - How can we listen and respect their boundaries more? How can we encourage more honest communication in the relationship? What ways do we dismiss our children's wants and needs without realizing it," wrote Psychologist Jazmine McCoy.

The Therapist further noted down a few ways by which we can limit aggressive behavior in children:

Help them identify feelings: When a child starts to throw tantrums or show aggressive behavior, we should slow them down and ask them how they are feeling and what caused them to feel that way. This will help them to address the anger at the roots.

Help them communicate with each other: Helping children to identify the words they need to communicate with among themselves will help them to express themselves better. We should encourage them to talk to each other, and not just to us.

Encourage them to solve problems: Instead of jumping in and giving them solutions all the time, we should help them to figure out the solutions to their problems, all by themselves. This will help them to understand that problems can be solved and all they need to do is slow down and think.

Source: Hindustan Times