
Arif represents Bangladesh at 31st int’l workshop in Germany

The 31st International Leadership Workshop for Rural Youth started at Herrsching in Germany on August 9 with the motto “think globally - Get together and act locally” which will conclude on Wednesday. 

The Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) of the country is organizing the workshop. 

The seminar was opened on August 10 and the 77 participants from 46 countries including Bangladesh were welcomed by Dr Ute Eiling-Hütig, Member of the Bavarian State Parliament and Christine Reitelshöfer, Second Vice President of the German Association of Rural Women.

Arif Khan, Biomedical Science Researcher and Adjunct Lecture of University of Development Alternative (UODA), is representing Bangladesh as one of the participants in this international event.

He is a core team member of Young Professionals for Agricultural Development (YPARD) and works on promoting agriculture among the youth of the country.

The participants, who are active in their countries as young professionals and leaders in rural youth work, will gather there until August 23.

The international dialogue with exchange of experiences and global networking will strengthen the leadership skills of the participants by learning implementation strategies and developing a personal action plan.

The contents of the seminar will also open up new perspectives for the participants.