
Iranian diplomat calls on DU VC

Cultural Counselor of the Iranian Embassy in Dhaka Seyed Reza Mir Mohammadi called on Dhaka University (DU) Vice-Chancellor Prof Dr Md Akhtaruzzaman at the latter's office of the university on Tuesday.

During the meeting, they exchanged views on various issues including increasing the joint education and research activities between DU and various universities in Iran.

They also emphasised on increasing exchange of teachers, students and researchers between DU and Iranian universities, said a DU press release.

The Vice-Chancellor said an excellent historical relationship has been prevailing between Bangladesh and Iran in the fields of education, research, social, cultural, trade and business for a long time. These friendly ties between the two countries will be further strengthened in the days to come, he hoped.

Seyed Reza Mir Mohammadi expressed interest in providing scholarships to DU students for pursuing higher education in various universities in Iran. He invited the DU Vice-Chancellor to visit various universities in Iran.

The DU Vice-Chancellor thanked the Iranian diplomat for visiting Dhaka University and showing keen interest in its academic and research activities.

Source: BSS