
Six held over murder of 5 in Rohingya camp

Armed Police Battalion (APBn) has detained six people in connection with the murder of five in a Rohingya camp in Ukhiya upazila of Cox's Bazar.

The detainees are Mohammad Forkan, 23, Mohammad Zobair, 29, and B Rahman, 34, residents of Balukhali Camp-8 West, Enam Ullah, 23, and Ebadat Ullah, 25, of Ukhiya Camp-9 and Arif Ullah, 30, of Ukhiya Camp-10.

The APBn members detained them conducting a drive in Balukhali Camp-8 West on Friday night.

Read More: Five killed in Ukhiya Rohingya camp shooting

APBn-8 senior assistant police superintendent Faruk Ahmed confirmed the detention of six people.

Ukhiya Police Station officer in-charge Sheikh Mohammad Ali said any case was registered in this connection as no victim's family filed any complaint.

Earlier on Friday morning, five people were killed and several others injured in a shooting between Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army (ARSA) and Rohingya Solidarity Organisation (RSO) in the area adjacent to Block-B-17-18 of Balukhali Rohingya Camp-8 East.

Sayeed Alamgir/SU