
Clinton: US faces ‘moment of reckoning’

Hillary Clinton has told voters the presidential election is a ‘moment of reckoning’, as she made history by accepting the Democratic nomination.Speaking on the final night of the party’s convention in Philadelphia, the first woman nominated by a major party said there were huge challenges.‘Powerful forces are threatening to pull us apart,’ she said.Mrs Clinton accused her Republican opponent in November’s election, Donald Trump, of sowing discord.‘He wants to divide us - from the rest of the world, and from each other.’But Mr Trump tweeted that the speech had failed to address the threat posed by radical Islam, making the former secretary of state unfit to lead the country.Before taking the stage, Mrs Clinton’s daughter Chelsea shared personal memories of her mother.

‘My wonderful, thoughtful, hilarious mother,’ the 36-year-old said, adding: ‘She was always there for me.’