
Schoolgirl dies after falling sick during class

A schoolgirl died after she fell sick during class in a school in Daudkandi upazila of Cumilla.

Deceased Habiba Akter, 12, was a sixth-grader at Gouripur Subal-Aftab High School in the upazila and the daughter of Ziaul Haque, a resident of Chan Nagerchar village in Titas upazila.

The incident took place at Gouripur Subal-Aftab High School around 11:45 am on Tuesday.

The school's headmaster Md Selim told Jago News Habiba suddenly fell ill during class and vomited.

Later, she was rushed to Gouripur Upazila Health Complex where the on-duty doctor referred her to Dhaka for better treatment but she died on the way, the headmaster added.

Daudkandi Upazila Nirbahi Officer (UNO) Md Mahinul Hasan told Jago News he heard about the death of a female student at Gauripur Subal-Aftab High School during class but physicians can say the reasons behind her death.

Asked whether the girl died due to the heat wave, Cumilla's deputy civil surgeon Dr Nisarga Meraz Chowdhury told Jago News she might have physically been weak due heat wave but it could not be possible to clearly say the exact cause of her death without an autopsy.

Zahid Patwary/SU