
HC verdict declaring water prices fixation by WASA stayed

The Appellate Division of the Supreme Court has stayed a High Court verdict declaring illegal the fixation of water prices by Dhaka WASA without formulating rules.

Appellate Division Chamber Judge Justice M Enayetur Rahim on Wednesday passed the order after hearing an appeal filed by WASA in this regard.

The court also gave a stay order on setting water prices until the appeal is not settled.

But the court upheld the HC verdict declaring it illegal to give incentives as performance bonuses to the officials and employees of Dhaka WASA.

Earlier on July 31 last year, the Consumers Association of Bangladesh (CAB) filed a writ petition in the High Court challenging the legality of fixing water prices without making rules.

On August 16 of the same year, the HC gave an order, including a rule, in the writ.

On March 16 this year, the HC bench of Justice Md Mojibur Rahman Mia and Justice Quazi Md Izarul Haque pronounced a verdict after a hearing on the rule.

In the verdict, the fixation of water prices by WASA without formulating rules was declared illegal.