
Madrasa teacher gets life for sodomizing minor student

A court in Dhaka has sentenced a madrasa teacher to life-term imprisonment for sexually assaulting a minor male student of his at the capital's Dakshinkhan in 2019.

Judge Shamsunnahar of Dhaka Women and Children Repression Prevention Tribunal-5 handed down the verdict against Md Hasmot Ali on Sunday.

The court also fined him Tk 50,000, and in default, he will have to serve three months more in jail.

The case statement said Hasmot Ali sexually abused the boy, 9, on November 26 of 2019 and asked him not to share the incident with anyone but he narrated the ordeal to his mother.

Later, the victim's mother lodged a case with Dakshinkhan Police Station on December 1 of the same year in this connection.