
ADB vice-president visits PRAN-RFL’s Industrial Park

An eight-member delegation of the Asian Development Bank (ADB), led by its Vice-President Ashok Lavasa, visited a PRAN-RFL’s Industrial Park in Narsingdi on Friday.

The delegation visited different parts of the Industrial Park. 

Ashok Lavasa is the in-charge of Private Sector Operations and Public-Private Partnerships.

The delegation also included ADB’s country director for Bangladesh Edimon Ginting. 

Ahsan Khan Chowdhury, Chairman and CEO at PRAN-RFL Group and Uzma Chowdhury, Director (Corporate Finance) appraised the delegation about various aspects of the production process, a press release said here today.  

ADB has financed the PRAN group at various times to increase farmers’ income and efficiency through expanding the agro-processing business, sustainable development in the agriculture sector and job creation in Bangladesh. 

The Manila-based lending agency has so far financed $49 million to the PRAN Group in three phases from 2012. The fund has been given as long-term loan to purchase capital machineries and job creation.

ADB has expressed its interest in further financing to the development of the agriculture sector. 

As development financial institution, ADB also works for women empowerment. 

PRAN employs 50 percent women workforce in the production facility, with the same pay scale that the men get. ADB also praised the PRAN-RFL Group for undertaking social initiatives like eradication of child labor in society. 

The delegation expressed satisfaction to see the overall activities of the Industrial Park. They also expressed optimism to work with PRAN in the coming days to create more jobs and sustainable business.  

Ahsan Khan Chowdhury said, “The visit of the ADB delegation at this transitional time is very positive and joyful.

ADB’s funding always plays an important role in diversifying export items of the nation. We’re hopeful to receive further technical assistance in diversifying agriculture production and agro-processing industry in Bangladesh.”

Fakhrul Ahsan, Assistant General Manager (Corporate Finance) and high officials of the PRAN Group were also present on the occasion.

Source: BSS