
Can jeera water reduce belly fat?

The internet throws up many trends about drinking jeera water in the morning that may help in melting that stubborn layer of visceral fat that we all deal with, namely belly fat. But truth be told, jeera water improves the overall state of your gut health and boosts metabolism, which actually contribute to overall weight loss by busting fat-buildup. So, it is certainly an enabler, though not the only miracle drink that works.

Says Diksha Dayal, Head of the Department, Nutrition and Dietetics, Sanar International Hospitals, Gurgaon, New Delhi, “I think much of the virtues of jeera water in fat reduction have to do with its digestive properties that lead to a well-oiled stomach functioning and a boost in metabolism. A glass of jeera water in the morning can stimulate the production of enzymes that help break down carbohydrates, glucose and fats. This enhances your metabolism and prevents indigestion. And in the long run, this enhanced metabolism stops fat accumulation.”

She also lists its anti-inflammatory properties that power digestion. “The thymoquinone in jeera protects the liver. It activates the pancreas to produce enzymes and bile, promoting digestion. Better digestion is directly responsible for reducing belly fat,” says Dayal.

Further jeera water controls diabetes that usually leads to increase in body weight. “If you have it in the morning, it stimulates the production of insulin in the body and decreases the levels of glycosylated haemoglobin,” says Dayal. “Further it is rich in iron, which is an essential element for the formation of haemoglobin in the blood required for transport of oxygen,” she adds.

In the ayurvedic knowledge system, jeera is considered one of the many foods for preventing obesity. Says Dr Subhash Markande, consultant Ayurvedic physician at CGH Earth’s SwaSwara clinic, Gokarna, “There are three systems in Ayurveda that one has to factor in. First is the system of activity, which we call Vata, where the entire energy is about activities and movements in cells. There’s a system of warmth or Pita, which encompasses the functioning of our enzymes, insulin and hormones. Then there is the system of control which keeps the two other energy systems in balance. This third factor is called the Kapha. Jeera affects both the systems of activity and control, that is Vata and Kapha, more dominantly the latter.”

Explaining the rationale, Dr Markande says, “Obesity is a result of the pileup of post-digestive cellular waste in our body. What is fat but unwanted digestive waste. Jeera clears this waste by breaking the fat molecules present between the cells. Jeera, by smoothening digestion, assimilation and absorption of nutrients, blocks the generation of body waste. In the process, it prevents malabsorption of what we do not need.”

Jeera is hot in potency, so generates warmth, and is a bit dry in nature. “With these features, it supports body metabolism,” says Dr Markande.

He also explains why certain people benefit more from jeera water. “Obesity being a kapha disorder, those with a kapha nature will benefit more. Pita people will not benefit as much and their food cravings are more,” he adds.

Besides, jeera has multifarious uses that keep the body well-oiled. “It is an appetiser, anti-fungal, an analgesic, detoxifies the uterus, cleanses your palate by interacting with saliva. Jeera with jaggery is good for fighting gas,” says Dr Markande.

So what’s the best way to have jeera water? “Though people prefer to have it in the morning, it can be had at any time of the day. You can even have it with the food itself, taking sips of jeera water in between to prevent manufacturing of fat. It is best had parboiled but you can have it warm or cold depending on the season,” adds he.

Jeera water will not help specifically in reducing belly fat. However, by improving metabolism, it helps in overall fat loss combined with other factors like diet and lifestyle management.

Source: The Indian Express