
BNP’s mass rally: Tense situation prevails in Khulna

A tense situation is prevailing in Khulna as Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) is going to hold a divisional mass rally in the city’s Dak Bunglow premises on Saturday afternoon. 

Though vehicle movement, except trains, practically remained halted between Khulna and the rest of the country since Friday morning, BNP leaders and activists are reaching the venue overcoming obstacles. 

BNP activists started gathering at the Sonali Bank premises from Friday night. They also placed mats and pillows on KD Ghosh Road and stayed overnight.

The party will hold the mass rally in protest against price hike of essentials, death of party leaders and activists during the recent movement, release of BNP Chairperson Khaleda Zia, and implicating leaders and activists in false cases.

The rally is scheduled to formally begin at 2pm where party’s senior leaders, including Secretary General Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir will deliver speeches.

BNP Secretary General Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir and a number of central leaders reached the city on Friday night.

Shafiqul Alam Tuhin, Member Secretary of Khulna metropolitan unit BNP, said the closed-circuit cameras are being installed to hold the rally peacefully. The rally will be under the drone camera surveillance. Besides, 400 volunteers will work to maintain the discipline during the gathering.