
Attack over RU student death: RMCH intern doctors go on work abstention

The intern doctors of Rajshahi Medical College and Hospital (RMCH) went on a work abstention programme on Wednesday midnight protesting the attack on them by the students of Rajshahi University (RU) over the death of their fellow Mohammad Shahriar.

The patients of the hospital are facing endless problem due to the work abstention programme. 

To tackle the situation, the RMCH authorities held an emergency meeting at 9:30am on Thursday. 

In this connection, Brig. Gen. Shamim Yazdani, Director of the RMCH, said the intern doctors are on work abstention. We are in trouble with medical treatment.  

He also said, the intern doctors informed us about their two-point demand. They urged to ensure the punishment of those who are involved in the attack and safe medical environment.

Earlier on Wednesday night, a group of RU students assaulted some intern doctors at the hospital bringing allegation of negligence of duty in the treatment of Mohammad Shahriar who was critically injured after falling from the third floor of the university hall and later died at the hospital. Four students of RU were also injured after being attacked by the doctors. 

However, a five-member probe committee headed by Rajshahi Medical College Principal Dr Nawshad Ali was formed over the incident. The committee was asked to submit the probe report within three working days.