
Many health benefits offered by the magical Chia seeds

Chia seeds are the edible seeds of the flowering plant Known as Salvia Hispanica which belongs to the mint family. The seeds are hygroscopic with a diameter around 2 mm. Chia seeds are packed with nutrients and minerals that can have a huge positive impact on our health. They have been used by humans for centuries and their use dates back to Aztecs and the Mayans when it was part of the staple diet. The seeds also have a medical application also made up an important part of the ancient medicines.

Health Benefits of Chia Seeds:

They are good for digestion

Chia seeds are enriched with fibre; hundred grams will give us close to 40 gms of dietary fibre. Fibre is an excellent agent for digestion and prevents constipation and a host of other gastrointestinal problems. The soluble fibre in the seeds absorbs water causing them to expand in your stomach and increase your feeling of fullness when you eat them.

It slows down the aging process

Chia seeds are loaded with antioxidants that help fight free radicals that cause cell damage and deteriorate skin tissue. Free radicals help the skin to rejuvenate and help the skin to glow and make it healthy and beautiful.

They help reduce chronic inflammation

Chia seeds are a good source of omega-3 fatty acids which can help reduce and have a great effect on inflammation. In fact there was a study that shows that having 37 grams of Chia seeds every day helps reduce inflammation. It also helps in reducing the bloating.

Chia seeds can help reduce blood sugar levels

It actually can help reduce and stabilize blood sugar levels which can help increase sensitivity to insulin that helps to avoid major health issues like diabetes and high blood sugar. Chia seeds slow down the rate at which the body releases glucose, lowering the blood sugar increase after consumption of carbohydrates.

Good for bone health

It has tons of micronutrients including phosphorus and calcium. Calcium is a great help to bone health and there is added protein in Chia seeds as well which is also helpful in bone health and muscle gain.

It can lower the blood pressure

According to few studies, Chia seeds can also lower BP in people with hypertension which is the major risk for heart disease. The antioxidants present in the Chia seeds help the heart to pump the blood properly to all parts of the body, especially the brain. These antioxidants are crucial for the body.

Source: The Statesman